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When Should Anyone Approach The Best Spine Doctor in India?

It’s been surveyed that 8 out of 10 people suffer from back pain problem. The issue is so common that people started ignoring it by consuming painkiller tablets or taking rest for a while. These activities can provide you with relief for a certain period, but what will you do after that? We as professionals always recommend our patients to contact the best spine doctor in India in specific spine condition.

What could be those serious spine conditions? Would you like to know?

Read on.

Usually, when you suffer from back pain, it indicates a spine problem. There could be any reason behind back pain; it could be due to weight lifting, injury, bad posture, heredity, or sports injury. It can’t be categorized like after crossing a certain age, an individual could have spine issues. Generally, after crossing 60 years of life, your bones start getting weak than usual and it could affect your efficiency. But, if you are a fitness freak, you may not need to suffer from such pain till life ends. See, when and how to consult spine surgery in India in below.

In which condition you should see a spine specialist

It is usually common to experience mild to moderate back pain issue with the time. Usually, normal back pain will resolve at its own in a few days. In such cases, an individual need not to consult professionals for the recovery. On the other hand, experiencing severe pain could never be a good sign. In below conditions, you should connect with professionals immediately.

  • Persistent pain
  • Constant pain in the back from last many days
  • Experiencing conditions like numbness, tingling in legs or arms, and muscle weakness

How will the consultation occur?

During an initial appointment, the doctor inspects the actual issue and what causes you pain in the back. You need to answer all the questions asked by the doctor about the current symptoms. They may also ask for medical reports to know history or family history. They could ask you for any treatment or medications you have taken before. Then, the doctor performs a physical examination by focusing on the areas that affect symptoms. This will help them to figure out the exact causes of the back pain issue.

For making a definitive diagnosis of the cause of pain, it is essential to use medical imaging, like MRI or CT scanning. Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor will provide an initial treatment course. Mostly, the doctor recommends the least invasive treatment that could be effective for your back pain issue.

Potential spine issues

The spine is made up of the discs, the spinal cord, and bones. If you find injury in any of these structures, there will remain the possibility of spine pain or other big issues. The professional spine specialist diagnoses problems like sciatica, bulging discs, bone spurs, spinal arthritis, fractured vertebrae, and herniated discs.  

Winding up,

If you can relate with any of these issues, it’s suggested to start finding the best spine doctor in India for the right treatment.


Spine Surgery in India